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how to publish your book-Bubok
Knowing how to publish a book is the dream of any author. If you are reading this post, you probably have a story to tell and your goal is to publish.

In Bubok we provide the tools needed to edit a book, publish it and send it to your readers. We guide and advise you throughout the process so that you can achieve your goal.

Sure you have many questions, so we have prepared the definitive guide to easily write and publish your book.

Shall we begin?

Step #1, how to write a book

how-to-publish-your-book-4First things first: you need a good text. Writing a book can take a long time and, of course, lots of effort.

Becoming a writer requires practice and dedication. Here is some advice on how to write a book:

  • Learn to be consistent with writing. Creating a writing habit is key, because making progress will be impossible if you do not practice.
  • Read a lot. You must choose your references and follow other writers. Learn what others have done before you and hear their advice.
  • Practice writing techniques. In our blog you will find guides to help you improve your skills as a writer.
  • Read writing guides. There are thousands of reference books that can help be used to consult your doubts and keep improving as an author.

It is likely that you will get stuck somewhere on the road, but take hold of your creativity and learn to overcome the writing locks. Always think of the satisfaction you will achieve when you get your goal.

These are some common questions that may appear during the writing process:

  • How should I structure my book?
  • Is it better to plan my writing?
  • Am I doing it right?

It is very useful to develop a detailed rundown (outline of your book) so that you keep consistency at all times. Being organized and spending time on plantificación is also key.

Step # 2 Intellectual property: why you should register your book

how-to-publish-your-book-3You have spent months or years working on your project and you need to make sure that your copy rights are protected.

Therefore, before self-publishing the book, submitting it to competitions or performing any proposal to a publisher, it is advisable to register your book in an Intellectual Property Registry.

When you publish your book in Bubok you hold all rights. In addition, we give you the option to enroll it in Creative Commons. This platform gives you the opportunity to manage your copyrights and allows you to decide on issues such as distribution options and commercial uses.

Check our most frequently asked questions about copyright and Intellectual Property in our publishing guide.

Step # 3 How to publish a book: self-publishing or traditional publishing?

how-to-publish-your-book-5If you’ve finished writing your book and you’re determined to publish, you should consider all available options.

Traditional publishing is one of these options. It means transferring exploitation and distribution rights to your Publisher, so that your work is promoted in different markets.

This system has some advantages, such as the lack of initial investment. It is the publisher who deals with the financial implications of publishing.

However, publishers often do not spend enough promotional efforts in your work, because they promote many different books, so expected sales results might not be achieved. This means that the author must also devote himself to spreading  the work, with remuneration percentages being between 8-10%.

This can be a little frustrating, to the point that some authors have gone back to self-publishing, after having traditional publishing experiences.

In Bubok we encourage authors to take charge of their publishing project. Self-publishing involves control over edition and higher royalties. Our professional support can help you make the best of your work.

Step # 4 The editing process. Tips for editing your work

how-to-publish-your-book-5When publishing, it is not enough to have a manuscript. This text should become a book.

The process involves editing your manuscript and make it into a neat and professional work: a book ready to be sold.

There are a number of issues you should ask yourself when editing your work:

Should I publish my book in paper or digital?

Think about your target audience. This is not only about your tastes and preferences, but about making the book available for your potential readers.

In Bubok we advise you on the option that best fits your book. Contact us for more information.

Do I need to edit my book?

At least ask someone you trust to review your manuscript. Making mistakes is inevitable and they can get hard to detect when you have been working on your project for a while.

A professional correction is always the best guarantee to ensure that your manuscript is adapted to the spelling and grammar standards.

How can I design a cover?

This is a key point in the editing process. The cover is the cover letter of your book, the first thing readers see, and it talks a lot about your professionalism. Books with appropriate covers are best rated by readers.

Therefore it is worth investing in a professional cover. If it was not possible, here you will find some resources on easy free cover building.

How can I lay out my book?

Again, think of your target audience when choosing the font, the size of the book, the margins… Different types of readers require different reading needs.

If you cannot afford a professional layout, here are some free Word layout templates.

If your book has special needs, such as artwork, or have a proposal you want to ask, contact us and we will draw a customized plan.

Step # 5 Do I need an ISBN? What is the Legal Deposit?

how-to-publish-your-book-6Some of the most frequent questions that arise when publishing a book are about the ISBN and the Legal Deposit.

These are just a few of them:

  • Do I need an ISBN to sell my book? Is it mandatory?
  • What is the Legal Deposit?
  • Should I bring my work to the Legal Deposit?

The ISBN collects your book’s features in just a number. All this information will become part of a database where booksellers and readers can locate it.

An ISBN is not required to publish your book, but it includes it in the commercial circuit and makes it easily identifiable.

Bubok’s ISBN allows you to sell your book in hundreds of digital platforms. Read other frequently asked questions about the ISBN here.

The Legal Deposit’s purpose, however, is to ensure the conservation of all works published in a particular country. A number of copies are deposited in the National Library in order to achieve this.

Step # 6 How do I distribute my book? Which are the distribution channels available?

How-do-I-publish-a-bookYou have published your book and you want to spread the word.

One of the crucial parts when publishing your book is distribution. Fortunately Internet gives us many possibilities to disseminate content anywhere in the world.

It is important to know the existing distribution options in the world of self-publishing to avoid deceptions and disappointments.

Fundamentally, the distribution of your book will depend on the format you’ve chosen at the time of publication. In Bubok you can distribute your book in both paper and digital formats. In the case of paper, your book can be printed on demand in Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Portugal and Brazil.

POD has several advantages: no need to invest book stocks and full availability. Books are printed and delivered every time a reader purchases them.

If you prefer to create a small stock, it is also possible: we can store it and manage all orders. This allows reducing printing costs and selling your book at a more affordable price. Contact us for more information.

Ebooks are an excellent choice for distribution, as they allow worldwide distribution at a cheaper price. Moreover, you book could also be sold in hundreds of digital platforms such as Amazon, Google Play, iBooks…

Step # 7 How to promote your book. Publishing marketing tips

how to publish your book-3All of the above is useless if you do not spend time and effort in your book’s promotion.

As a self-published author you will be the manager of your publishing project and therefore a marketing strategy should be developed.

We recommend to start this promotion strategy from the earliest stages, even before publication.

Edit your book always thinking of your readers. That will help you to place it in the appropriated sales channels.
and to select promotional strategies that fit your preferences.

We hope you have found useful this guide to write and publish a book. Remember that you can develop your project with our support and work each of the previous steps of the hand of our editors. If you want to publish your book in Bubok, contact us and tell us about your idea. Shall we started?

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