Despicable Stories
Editorial Alvi Books

She did not live up to the expectation that all adolescents have.
She lived a cold and hard reality.
In today's world, her only weapon was the same one that killed her.
She always had in mind that happiness was not her thing. And that adolescence was going to be her worst battle, that she couldn't win every day.
Hoping to see better days come, where she wouldn't have to force herself to feel what she doesn't feel; to express what she doesn't feel.
Well... there are people in this world who don't know how to measure her words, who don't know how much each word affects a person and that each word can become an outflow of blood.
She wanted to be loved and wanted by someone.
He… He always wanted to save someone and be a hero.
Fate did its thing and turned their lives upside down, uniting them for a reason that they both had to discover.
She just wanted to be saved from that world.
This… is the reality of thousands of adolescents in the world today.
For those who seek victory in every battle, every day.
For those, that the war has been lost.
Suicide is not the solution.
Neither does the blade.
She didn't understand.
And he came to make her understand... that life can smile at her, at everyone capable of smiling at her even with tears falling.
Where she needed help.
He was her salvation.
(Based on real facts)
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