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Career, salary, remuneration, positions and functions

Career is all the trajectory that a professional has during the work time. In general terms, it is the work history that the professional has in the exercise of their profession, in a chronological order of evolution in the position and jobs, whether through promotion or new occupations. In a broad sense, the term is more associated with the ascents and progressions that a professional has during his/her active working life.

The execution of the work can be by production unit, hours, days, weeks, fortnights, a month or months, and/or for an indefinite period, provided that the parties, employee and employer agree. Pay for work involves a combination of varied entitlements, which form part of the composition of salary and remuneration.

The salary is the price offered by the employer to the employee for their work, whether for carrying out activities that require the use of physical force, manipulation of manufactures, scientific knowledge, artistic gift, intellectual notoriety, among other skills, for a period of time determined and agreed in advance between the parties involved.

From this perspective, this work presents the main types of wages and salaries existing in Brazil, according to the country's labor laws, the main types of positions and functions, socioeconomic and demographic aspects of the labor market, in addition to the factors that are used and/ or that they can help set the salary value of a job or role.

The conceptual aspects of the types of wages, the requirements for the wage to be transformed and/or to be considered as remuneration, the difference between remuneration and salary, types of remuneration and modalities are presented in a contextualized way.

It is expected, therefore, to contribute with an original focus on the subject, updated based on the recent labor reforms of 2017 (Law No. 13,419/17 and Law No. 13,429/17), as well as the changes and trends that are taking place in the labor market. Brazilian work currently.

Corroborating this, there is a brief overview of the profile of professionals and skills that companies are looking for in the labor market, the hot professions at the moment and careers with growth prospects in the coming years in Brazil, in addition to the trends that the market of work may demand in the future.

The book is an updated version of an already published edition, but well summarized, which originated from an article developed in the graduation course in Administration in 2009. The idea of publishing an updated version of the book is a result of the positive impact of the first edition, in addition to the need to update some rights that have undergone changes in the country's labor legislation. Furthermore, new concepts in the administration area were introduced to facilitate readers' understanding.

The content of this book is designed to complement the knowledge of corporate executives, human resources managers, labor analysts, administrators, accountants, CEOs, entrepreneurs, foreign labor analysts, law graduates, academics in general, sectorial associations and unions, various entities and other readers interested in knowing about careers and discovering aspects of labor law in Brazil, especially regarding salary and remuneration.

In this sense, the purpose of this book is to present the basic concepts necessary for understanding what the career comprises and the importance of its management, the salary, the types of salaries, the remuneration and differences of these for the salary, based on the legislation of the I work in Brazil.

The content covered was divided into seven chapters, to facilitate the discussion of the subject. In chapter 1, a contextualization of career and its management is presented. Chapter 2 brings concepts of salary and types of salaries practiced in Brazil. In chapter 3, the definition of remuneration and the types of remuneration that exist are discussed. In chapter 4, a distinction is made between the types of remuneration. In chapter 5, technical aspects used to define the value of a salary are discussed. In chapter 6, the concepts of positions and functions are discussed. In chapter 7, socioeconomic indicators of the labor market in Brazil are presented.

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Product Details:
  • Author: Joaquim Carlos Lourenço
  • Status: For sale in Bubok
  • Number of pages: 148
  • Last update: 23/08/2023
  • ISBN eBook as PDF: 9798782165338
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