+Remedies +Homemade 2
Home remedies are the set of natural treatments that are carried out from home with various plants that we can have in our pantry to prevent and calm any condition, illness or specific disease.
Home remedies have always been used for all kinds of situations, and when we talk about health, we cannot fail to mention the very admirable role that many of them play.
Today, despite the great advances and development of chemistry and technology, home remedies remain a useful, effective, and above all, healthy alternative.
From generation to generation have been extended and maintained, many of these remedies are part of the traditions, the idiosyncrasies of each area of the world and cultural wealth.
Remedy is "that which serves to produce a favorable change in diseases". Royal Spanish Academy.
A remedy is something that is used to solve a problem or reverse an injury. The term, whose etymological origin is found in the Latin remedium, is usually mentioned as a synonym of the medicine that a person ingests when he/she suffers some illness or feels some discomfort.
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