And we have reached the end of Following Light, I hope you liked it. If you have opinions, a topic that is of curiosity can be raised through the mail found in the footer of this book. But for things to happen you have to make the changes with insistence, tenacity and perseverance. But eye! If inside you repeat "that you can not" "that is not for you" or that "you do not deserve it" surely nothing will change in your life. So, be careful with the thoughts and the assessment that you have in the subconscious about yourself.
I need you with high self-esteem. Do not kid yourself by boycotting or cheating me, what good would it do you? If this low is low, but we can look for plan B which means searching through the saga of Growing of Spirit the chapters are entirely dedicated to the self-esteem and insecurities that I am confident that will help you to start on the true path.