Contemporary Dance in Israel
Sylvia Fuentes

Tired of playing the same thing on drums? You may need fresh air in your exercise routine or want to learn something new from your traditional scheme. With the quintuplets is what I want to offer, give a new air to your learning, your drums, and your style.
What to expect from this book?
- This book contains a large number of grooves in quintuplets specific for learning from scratch, more than 300
- It is divided into several sections with the aim of gradually moving towards more complex furrows
- I offer a study method in order to form discipline and dedication to the instrument
- It has a specific section to work the rhythm in order, not to lost time when switching between different figures
- You can play songs like those of Anika Nilles that are in genres like Rock and Fusion after correctly understanding the subdivision of the quintuplet
- You can play other musical genres like trap and rap
In another separate book, I will bring five at the drumset fill version next year
Versión en español disponible
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