Does your book need editing or just proofreading?
Our clients, including professionals from large companies, are often unsure whether their writing requires full editing services, or simply proofreading.
Editing of literary texts
We define editing as revisions and suggestions concerning the content of the document, focusing on the improvement of expression and language, fluency and above all readability. It is also about reviewing grammar and vocabulary so that everything is grammatically correct. In other words, editing involves a very detailed review of the book, which can even involve changing the style, content, and structure of a text.
Editors aim to create consistency in your work of fiction or academic text. They also seek clarity in the thoughts expressed within, removing unintentional ambiguities of expression. Editors work on all kinds of works, including subject-essays on a particular topic with the sciences or humanities. Helping to “find your voice” is a part of this service, helping to establish a clear authorial tone.
Not anyone can be an editor
You need more than merely a good grasp of the English language to be a good editor. An intuition for style and content, and knowledge of the target audience that will read the book are also both essential. In Bubok, as a publishing company specializing in self-published books, we consider our writers their own editors, since they are best suited to know the particulars of what they aim to achieve via their writing. For this reason we do not offer the service of editing the content of the book itself. Instead, each writer is free to express their creativity without limitations imposed by external fashions or tastes. Instead, what Bubok offers, and what we consider essential, is a good proofreading service to correct errors.

Proofreading, on the other hand, is the process of revising grammatical, spelling, and typographical errors in a document. The process consists of far more than using a spell-check tool, as people sometimes think. Rather, it is a technique that requires study and practice to master the subtlety of retaining the sense and style of the original while improving the readability and correcting errors. Abnormalities, such as regional variations within a language, for instance the different spelling and grammatical standards of standard US and British English, errors introduced by your word processor via incorrect assumptions about the grammar and sentence structure, or ensuring the correct use of subject-specific terminology, means a full and thorough review of any literary work is essential. A final check of grammar and spelling provides quality assurance for your work.
Make the right choice for your book
Choose a quality proofreading service so that your target audience can enjoy the best possible version of your book.
Hopefully this post has answered some of your questions about the editing and proofreading in the publishing industry. If you still have questions or want to hire our services, don’t hesitate to contact us or find out more about our publishing services. Comment below your thoughts or share them with our social media accounts on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. If you have a book you want published register with us to publish for free. Remember that with Bubok you can access all the tools you need to get your project going.
Translated from our Spanish-language blog by Gregory Walton-Green