Calendario 20 / July / 2018 Cantidad de comentario Sin Comentarios

Ingram has helped us to realzie it is okay to ask for help!

How Ingram Has Helped Us!

In society today, people frequently feel ashamed to ask for help, for they think it makes them look weak. However, here at Bubok, we’ve discovered first-hand that that’s not the case. It is okay to ask for help and admit you can’t do everything on your own, and oftentimes it can help you to grow; it makes you look strong instead of weak.

How did we ask for help?

At Bubok, we cannot do everything alone, which is why we partner with Ingram. Ingram is a company that connects Bubok to a range of retailers and wholesalers globally. Without Ingram, we would only be able to advertise and sell the books where our company is based. Ingram gives us the opportunity to upload books to be distributed amongst the global book market. This means that more eyes read our authors’ books. If we didn’t partner with Ingram, our books wouldn’t go as far as they have! With bookstores in locations all over the world, Ingram allows our authors’ works to reach a plethora of people.

What else?

The company helps us, worldwide, to print on demand so we don’t print books people don’t want. Instead, we print them per request. This is a cost-effective method, and with Ingram’s help, Bubok can distribute books to individuals as they want, no matter where they are. Printing on demand is great because it allows the books to not only be distributed to who wants them, but it also allows them to be delivered in an efficient amount of time.


Since Ingram allows us to work in so many countries, when a book is ordered internationally, we print the book at the nearest facility (US/UK/Australia). We then ship it to the customer. This eliminates having to pay to ship books from Spain and lowers the sales tax significantly.

Additionally, Ingram allows us to sell our books in bookstores around the world as well as internationally through global partners. Local facilities print the books and then sell them to surrounding bookstores, allowing our books to reach even more selling spots worldwide.

Is my book eligible?

In order for a book to be eligible to be sold in these channels, it must have an ISBN number, a barcode that matches the ISBN, and a prepared cover. If you would like our assistance with receiving any of the above information for your book or with creating this cover photo with you, as well as selling it digitally, physically, or both, you can check out what our different packages and services here.


Thanks Ingram!


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