What Self-Publishing Mistakes You Should Avoid
Calendario 28 / November / 2019 Cantidad de comentario Sin Comentarios

Self-publishing might sound an appealing option for many authors, especially the ones who are about to publish their very first book. There are no gatekeepers who will slam the door in front of your face and everything is going to be under your control. Total freedom in navigating the whole publishing process may seem to be a dream come true – it’s only you and your literary baby. However, there are two sides to every coin. This is why it’s… Read more

How Writing Can Improve Your Well-Being
Calendario 11 / November / 2019 Cantidad de comentario Sin Comentarios

Happiness is all around us hiding itself in the smallest details. However, one would agree that once we step into sadness, sometimes it can grab us and stick both too hard and for too long. Sometimes we find ourselves highly stressful, irritated, frustrated or disappointed. There are moments when we even end up in those dark places where everything seems too depressed to be solved. So, the first good news about writing is that you can do it everywhere and… Read more

How to publish your book: A complete and easy guide
Calendario 19 / July / 2016 Cantidad de comentario Sin Comentarios

Knowing how to publish a book is the dream of any author. If you are reading this post, you probably have a story to tell and your goal is to publish. In Bubok we provide the tools needed to edit a book, publish it and send it to your readers. We guide and advise you throughout the process so that you can achieve your goal. Sure you have many questions, so we have prepared the definitive guide to easily write and publish… Read more

Ideas for your book: Grandma’s Recipes Book
Calendario 12 / March / 2013 Cantidad de comentario 5 Comentarios

The Start of the Ideas Imagine you have to make a gift for your family. And it has to be the perfect gift, it has to reach them so deeply that it gets them excited. You may break your head thinking about the gift, over several weeks. What can excite them all? If the present was only for the nephews, a Scalextric would be nice, if it was for your brother, one of the latest videogames would be perfect. But… Read more

Ideas for your book: Diary of a birth
Calendario 04 / March / 2013 Cantidad de comentario 3 Comentarios

Imagine this… You have received the best news of your life, you are going to be parents! The nine months of pregnancy are chaotic. You spend your time working, asking permission for medical reviews , buying clothes well in advance (by the illusion that entails), painting the room… And suddenly the day comes. It is the most gorgeous baby you’ve seen in your life. The baby has the most beautiful eyes in the world. You have thousands of thoughts that,… Read more