Prompts for creative writing: Horror, Mystery and Romance genre novels
Calendario 10 / February / 2020 Cantidad de comentario 3 Comentarios

People recommend all sorts of things to overcome writer’s block, and at Bubok, we know that you might need some kind of external stimulus to jump start your next book. That’s exactly why we’ve written this article with 15 creative prompts for writing a novel. In this article we’re focusing on three literary genres: Mystery, Horror and Romance. In this publishing company, we know that life can get in the way, and you can spend hours attempting to write on your… Read more

Why Writing Routine Is Important
Calendario 03 / January / 2020 Cantidad de comentario 1 Comentario

    Just like an athlete needs to prepare thoroughly before the Olympics, as a writer you too must follow a workout routine to improve your technique. Establishing a writing routine is not always an easy thing to do, especially for debut authors that are just beginning to embark on a new journey. But no need to stress out, it’s not as difficult as it might seem at first.     Here are some tips that might help you to… Read more

Beating Writer’s Block – Help Guide
Calendario 27 / December / 2019 Cantidad de comentario Sin Comentarios

  For most authors, the mere thought of writer’s block sends a shiver down the spine. However, it’s important to know the difference between a prolonged period of writer’s block and just having a bad day. Being unable to form a cohesive sentence, an overwhelming belief that everything you write is worthless, chronic eye-strain and deleting hours of work in a single click can all be symptoms of writer’s block. If you are in the middle of a slump in… Read more

10 Benefits of Writing Workshops
Calendario 10 / December / 2019 Cantidad de comentario 1 Comentario

10 reasons why you should consider taking a writing course:   1. Writing Can Be Learned. Even if writing comes naturally to you, there is always a room for improvement. A writing class or literary workshop will supplement your talent with a necessary educated understanding of literary theory and writing technique, opening your mind to loads of helpful tips and tricks that can be later put into practice. Besides, in every artistic field, raw talent on its own is never… Read more

What Self-Publishing Mistakes You Should Avoid
Calendario 28 / November / 2019 Cantidad de comentario Sin Comentarios

Self-publishing might sound an appealing option for many authors, especially the ones who are about to publish their very first book. There are no gatekeepers who will slam the door in front of your face and everything is going to be under your control. Total freedom in navigating the whole publishing process may seem to be a dream come true – it’s only you and your literary baby. However, there are two sides to every coin. This is why it’s… Read more