Bubok's publishing wizard can process documents up to 10 Mb. If your book has a bigger size, follow the publishing process as usual, but in step 'file' upload a blank pdf. Then upload the correct file in our FTP.  
Once you've uploaded your file to this application you must send an email to [email protected] stating your username (the email with which you registered in Bubok), the title of your book and the name of the file you have uploaded to the FTP application. Then we can replace the blank file with the correct one.
In the same email, you must let us know if the book requires a bleed cut off. You can read more information on how to set up the files of your work if that is the case. 
Once we have made the change, we will let you know so that you can check the files. 
If you have any questions, fill out this contact form and we will get back to you.