Kamadeva Publishing
Since the beginning of time, romantic novels have helped millions of readers to dream and travel, no matter their nationality, age or sex. Therefore, it makes sense that it is one of the most read literary genres. The success of the romantic novel consists in the easiness it has to make the reader get away from the daily life whirl, spending some time living life through characters he or she relates with and which make them dream, cry, get mad, etc. Fans of this genre are counted by the millions and the author community focused on this genre grows everyday.
Kamadeva is comprised of a group of passionate publishers of the romantic novel that wishes to present a quality publishing house for the great reader community of said genre, where they can find well-edited works that transmit the values of the society in which we live nowadays.
In addition, we would like for Kamadeva to become a home for all authors who share these values and love for romantic literature.
Work on the manuscripts that we receive each day, discover new stories and new talents are a few of the motivations which drive this publisher.